Corporate Wellness

Right now without a doubt, one of the nation’s greatest concerns is the growing epidemic of health-related diseases that can be caused by obesity and lack of a healthy lifestyle. With that comes the great concern of who will pay for these negative health issues, and what can be done to prevent any further increase of health related deaths or costs?

According to MSNBC, staggering statistics show that nearly 10% of health spending is for obesity and overall obesity-related health spending reaches $147 billion.  That’s double what it was nearly a decade ago.* 


The purpose of The Get Fit Nation's Corporate Fitness program is to increase the overall health of employees through daily physical activity.  Goal setting and accountability are two very important components to helping people achieve life-long fitness and career success.


The benefit of a corporate fitness program is to allow employees to exercise at their job site before work, during a break, or before heading home.

By improving their health status, they’ll begin to spend less on healthcare and ultimately save business costs for insurance and other benefits.  A corporate wellness program does more than just encourage healthier lifestyles ; it helps reduce turnover, absenteeism and tardiness saving an organization money in the long term.


If you would like to start a corporate fitness program for your business consider The Get Fit Nation.  We are able to work with companies throughout the DFW metroplex and can be reached for more information, questions and a program quote through our contact page.

 *For further facts please visit and search under health for more alarming health statistics.